I think when looking at Jewish comics and the authors you can also get a good sense of the Jewish tradition and history of the Jewish people as a whole. First thing to consider is examining the book, "A Contract With God." My first thought was why would a Jewish person even make a contract with God, when the Jewish tradition of toiling and suffering is a common theme and through these struggles you learn the true meaning of God's love.
One example of this the bible book of Job. Job has everything taken from him and has to endure suffering to the extreme and through that suffering he proved himself faithful to God and in the end he was rewarded with riches and twice of what he had.
In my opinion being Jewish and making a contract with God is almost going against what it means to be Jewish, which is to earn God's favor and blessings one has to suffer and toil to earn his blessings. So in a way the character is setting himself up for failure in the Jewish sense by making this contract with God. It says in my opinion that he does not want to accept the suffering one wants to attain in the Jewish sense and only wants the good things without the work of earning them through proving your faith.